YOU COULD BE SELECTED to play with the pros from the PBA/PWBA and win BowlerX CA$H!?
❗️❗️TO ENTER: Simply go to the Bowler X FaceBook page and let us know how badly you want to play and tag two of your friends.❗️❗️
If you have never seen Match Game Show it works like this…
Two randomly selected contestants/game attempt to match answers with a 6 celebrity panel. Our host, JR Raymond, will be presenting the questions. Some questions will revolve around bowling and some not, but they will all be unique.
The contestants will be playing for $$ and prizes that could reach up to $500 in value.
Our panel for the first show is set:
6) EJ Tackett
Laughing IS encouraged ??????
Making comments about the questions, other panelists or host IS encouraged ??????
A beverage of choice IS encouraged ???????????
We will be randomly selecting 5 contestants tomorrow, 4/9 at 4:30pm est. The first game will be conducted at 8:30pm est 4/9. Good Luck!