If you only bowl a few times each year, the house ball might be just fine for you, but the best place to buy a bowling ball is BowlerX.com. There are definite benefits to having your own ball. BowlerX’s team can help you choose the right one for you!
Based in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, BowlerX.com is rated #1 for pricing, product knowledge, and customer service. If you want to be sure you receive first quality products form major brands like Brunswick, Columbia, Dexter, DV8, Ebonite, Hammer, Lord Field, Motiv, Roto Grip, Storm, and Track at excellent prices, BowlerX.com is the place for you.
Making the Right Choice
You would think that buying a bowling ball would be a fairly simple task. However, there are a number of things you should take into consideration prior to purchasing your first one. These things include the weight, the coverstock, and the core.
Weight is generally based on age. Picking the right sized ball will make all the difference in your game. If it is too light, you won’t have the control you need, and if it’s too heavy, you won’t bowl with the force required to be successful. So, to simplify things, keep these weights in mind:
- Child: 6 to 10 pounds
- Teenager: 11 to 14 pounds
- Adult Female: 12 to14 pounds
- Adult Male: 15 to16 pounds
- Senior: 12 to 14 pounds
The next thing to consider is the coverstock. If you are new to bowling, the coverstock is typically made of either polyester, urethane, or reactive resin. Each of these outer coverings has their own distinct characteristics and they determine the ball’s performance based on its surface texture, hardness, and oil absorption. Here’s a quick understanding of the differences:
- Polyester (or Plastic): Most common for beginners, it is extremely durable and less porous than other materials. You will have a low hook potential and low friction between the ball and the lane.
- Urethane: Beginners to intermediate bowlers opt for this material because it creates lots of friction and makes the ball easier to curve with a moderate hook potential. It’s even popular with professional bowlers.
- Reactive resin: Advanced and professional bowlers are particularly fond of this coverstock. It offers the most friction between the lane and the ball and hooks extremely well. Pins will be carried more effectively too, but this is also the most expensive option.
The final thing you need to know about bowling balls, is the value of the core. Obviously, the outer shell is the coverstock, but what is found inside that shell will determine the ball’s momentum and the way it moves down the lane. There are two kinds of cores, symmetrical and asymmetrical. The basic way to understand the difference is that the more asymmetrical the rating, the greater the hook potential. The less symmetrical, the lower the hook potential.
With this additional knowledge about bowling balls you should be well on your way to making an educated decision. So, when you need access to the best place to buy a bowling ball, we hope that you will give BowlerX.com a try. Our experts are ready to help when you give us a call at 844.269.5379 or contact us online.