Looking for the hottest new bowling balls? Find new balls from your favorite brands, and pre-order yours today to be the first to get them. BowlerX.com offers exceptional prices and FREE shipping!
BowlerX.com is rated #1 for customer service, product knowledge and pricing. We have been a family-owned business since 2008 and customers trust us as one of the largest online bowling retailers in the U.S. Headquartered in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, we stand behind every sale, and you can be sure that you will receive first quality products from us at the lowest prices.
Pre-Order a New Bowling Ball
Pre-order the latest bowling balls from BowlerX.com. We have new balls available from these and many other brands:
900 Global – 900 Global manufactures bowling balls in San Antonio, TX, for bowlers of all skill levels, from amateur to professional.
Brunswick – One of the oldest bowling companies in the world, Brunswick, headquartered in Muskegon, MI, has been making bowling balls since the 1880s and continues to manufacture balls that are a great value for most bowlers.
Columbia 300 – Columbia has been around long enough to have been the first manufacturer to successfully use polyester resin (“plastic”) in bowling balls. Today, they are part of the Ebonite International family and balls are manufactured in Hopkinsville, KY.
DV8 – Since 2011, DV8 has offered balls for bowlers of all ages and abilities. The brand is edgy and flashy. with new unique core designs, new coverstocks with bright vibrant colors, and highly angular ball motions.
Motiv– The company has been making bowling balls since the 1990s, with graphics that get a lot of attention. Motiv balls are designed and manufactured in Muskegon, MI.
Radical – Radical is continually working to change the game of bowling with improved coverstocks, core technologies, and advanced layout techniques all in the name of advancing the performance of a bowling ball.
Storm – This is one of the biggest and most popular manufacturers in the premium ball market. They are headquartered in Brigham City, UT. You will find Storm bowling balls in the hands of both amateur and professional bowlers.
Track – The worldwide leader in high-tech, high-performance bowling balls, Track pushes the envelope of technology and innovation. The company is part of Ebonite International, located in Hopkinsville, KY.
Discontinued Bowling Balls
Be sure to browse our list of sale and closeout bowling balls to find some of the best available deals. Because manufacturers issue so many new balls each year, we always have a terrific selection.
Because a ball is discontinued, doesn’t mean it’s bad. While some popular bowling balls stick around for years, manufacturers may decide to discontinue a ball when its sales drop below a certain level, usually after they have replaced it with a similar new ball, one with a new coverstock formulation or new core technology.
For new bowling balls from your favorite brands, visit BowlerX.com, where you’ll find a huge selection of products. If you need help making a decision or need more information, give us a call at 844.269.5379 or reach out to us online.