We are happy to announce the relaunch of BowlerX.com
Head over to our website, www.BowlerX.com, to check out our newly designed website!
After years of work, numerous setbacks and a feeling of “will this ever get done”… the day has finally come. Those of you who have your own businesses that rely on a well designed website or those of you who work with web design daily probably understand. The work involved to completely redesign a site that has over 2000 products, as well as thousands of variations of those products, from scratch is massive.
We could go on in length about the cost, the headaches and the frustration that have been endured the last 3-4 years but instead we’d rather celebrate.
The new site may still have a few kinks that we will work diligently to remove, but we promise that going forward, we will use this new platform to give our customers the absolute best user experience that we possibly can.
BowlerX.com – For The Love Of Bowling